PURA Rewards Community
It's as easy as 1-2-3!
It’s quick and easy: create an account and fill out your profile to join. | Earn points every time you shop, refer or share. Redeem those points on future purchases to save! | Access new rewards and perks as you nurture your skin & spirit! |
Ways to Earn:
Create an account
500 points |
Purchase Potions |
Refer a friend (Give $10, earn $10 - if they make a purchase) |
Like us on Facebook 100 points |
Follow us on Instagram |
Follow us on Twitter |
Have a Birthday!
REFRESH - 500 points GLOW - 750 points
RADIATE - 1000 points |
Participate in the
Pact Program
500 points |
Leave a review 200 points (limited to one per month) |
Redeem Points:
$5 off Coupon 500 points |
Free Shipping Coupon 2000 points |
Order Discount 100 points = $1 to spend |
Reward Levels:
PURA Rewards Community Rules:
- The tier levels are based on annual spend (per calendar year), not points level.
- Points expire two years from the day they were earned. **The PURA Rewards Community program is subject to change without notice.** |
Q: What is the PURA Rewards Community? A: The PURA Rewards Community is a loyalty program that rewards customers with exclusive offers and experiences. Joining is free and you'll unlock new rewards and benefits through your purchases at PURA! Q: How do I join the PURA Rewards Community? Q: I already have an account with PURA, do I need to create a new one? Q: If I subscribe to PURA's email list, am I a Rewards Community member? Q: Can I get points for past purchases? Q: Does the PURA Rewards Community cost me anything? Q: How do I receive my RADIATE Tier welcome gift?