In-House Lab
We are the creators and makers of our all-natural skincare and wellness collection. Every potion is crafted in our own in-house lab and creative headquarters in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Canada is known for its pristine air, clean water, and majestic mountains. These are the elements we infuse into our products.
"I have always felt my best in nature. Plants inspire me with their beauty and ability to heal. There is a wholesomeness about Mother Nature and her gifts that we all need to sustain our health." -Lane
Transparency & traceability. Our Lab. Our hands. Our expertise.
"PURA really started, because I felt so passionate about making my own beauty care products that I could trust. To do the research and learn about these exquisite, natural ingredients from all over the world is fascinating and rewarding work. It would be my life-long mission to protect women's health by educating about and innovating safe, non-toxic, & results driven skincare." -Lane