The Good News- Pura Local Pick-Up
What we love so much about our potions is that they're not mass produced in factories in far off lands by people who have absolutely no connection or knowledge of Pura. They're handcrafted right here in our studio in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Ive always been a nut for detail and beauty. When you're formulating skincare, it not only has to be created with the finest quality ingredients to be effective, but it also has to be made in small batches to ensure freshness and potentness.

At Pura, we've become experts at researching and properly storing our precious materials, and our in-house production studio and green beauty apothecary is something to experience for yourself.

Photos by Emily Shultz Photography
So the really good news is...We've decided to offer a local pick-up option for online purchases on Thursdays from 10-4pm. Hip-hip hurray! We'd love for you to stop by and see Pura for yourself. Happy Friday! In pure we trust.